Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Here I Am... Back Yet Again.......

Yes, I realize it's been a very long time since my last post. Life has the amazing ability of getting in the way. I think things are back to semi-normal for now so I promise I will try my hardest to keep blogging.
I am so unbelievably excited! This time tomorrow I will be with my sweetheart Robert. We haven't seen each other in 2 1/2 months!!!!!!! GASP!!!!!!!!!!!!
This long distance relationship thing has been really hard but I have a feeling that in the end the payoff will be well worth it all.
Since the last time I posted Rob came to visit for a second time and I also made a trip out to Colorado for Valentine's Day.... It was AMAZING!
Deviating from the subject just a bit....... Looks like this blog has evolved into the telling of my love story for the time being..... just so you know.... ;)

Anyways back to my story...... Colorado was beautiful, very different from Alabama but still beautiful in its own way. I could tell that Rob so enjoyed being able to introduce me to so many new things. (I had never really left the southeast before.) Looking back, I think I must have seemed like an absolute child! LOL
I got so excited over the silliest things... such as seeing a tumbleweed up close for the first time...... I'm sure Rob found this hilarious..... Of course when I announced that this was my very first tumbleweed he didn't even flinch.... He just responded "I guess you've only seen them on T.V." ...... I then realized how many times I had used this phrase during my visit and couldn't help but laugh..... Still makes me giggle to think about it. I guess the tumbleweeds made me feel like I was in the real "wild west." LOL
Not to dis the tumbleweeds, but of course the highlight of my trip was just being with Rob in his world and acting like a normal couple.... those times are few and far between for us so we savor every moment.

And now moving on.... The time has arrived for our "Alabama date." A whole weekend with all the people I love in the same city at the same time.... priceless. One month from now I will be taking a trip back to Colorado for a whole week! I'm soooooooo excited.
After this weekend is over I'm sure I will have LOTS to blog about and also pictures to post!

More on my unfolding adventure later!

Thanks for enduring my unorganized ramblings....... God Bless!!!!!!!