Friday, November 28, 2008

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaack.....................

Hi all! I realize it's been awhile since I posted my last blog, but so much has been happening!
I'm sitting at home today recovering from the chaos that is Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving, of course, reminds us of all the things we are thankful for in our lives and is also the kick off for the most magical time of the year. I am thankful for so many things..... Salvation, My Family, My Friends, My Job, My Home and loads and loads of other little things that make me smile. All this being said, I decided that this would be the PERFECT time to talk about the man in my life......... My sweet Rob or as I affectionately refer to him, Roberson.... ha.
Rob is a truly amazing man....... I'm almost at a loss for words to describe any further, but I'm sure going to give it a try! Like I said, he's amazing........... He's been in my life for a short amount of time and I already can't imagine my life without him.
So many words describe him......... sweet, caring, smart, cute, gentle, balanced, driven, patient, thoughtful, artistic, creative, talented and did I mention cute????
He's brought so much joy into my life and brought things out in me that I thought were dead and gone forever. He encourages me to succeed and go for my dreams. He believes in me. He expects nothing more than that I be myself...... Wow! Do you realize what a huge thing this is for me? A man who actually wants me to just be 100% me and not some manufactured version of what I should be in his eyes. I'm not perfect, he's not perfect-- but we sure seem perfect for each other!
I'm so excited to watch this chapter of my life unfold! He adds to my happiness in a way that no man ever has in my life, I only hope that I can add as much to his life.
Don't get me wrong, our relationship is not without it's challenges. You see, Rob and I live over 1000 miles apart......... He's in Pueblo West, Colorado and I'm in Birmingham, AL. He loves all my little southernisms by the way..... Is southernism a word??? Anyways, I digress.....
I am posting some pictures from his visit here to Birmingham. So now everyone knows what's behind my smile............ My best friend, biggest cheerleader, my teammate, my sweet Roberson.............

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Changing and Challenging Times

Well, It's the day after our country has elected the new leader of the "free" world...... Barack Obama.
I must admit I have been a MAJOR McCain/Palin advocate. I believed in my heart (and still do) that they were the best team to lead our country. And right now before anyone says a word, this is NOT a racial issue! My idea of the best presidential team does not include descriptions of race, social status, gender, denomination or any other superficial reasoning. My opinions all come down to character. Are these people we can trust? Are these people who will do the right thing even when they are being pressured to take the more popular route? Is there any evidence of wisdom and discretion? Do these people truly love this country, it's people and all that America once stood for? And most importantly....... Are these people listening to God?

Do I think that our country made a horrible mistake yesterday? I would be lying if I said no.
Can we do anything to change it? The answer to this question is, unfortunately, a big fat no.

There is something that I am VERY sure of. God is still God-- no matter who is leading our country. As all Christians should, I will be in prayer for our new leader. I will pray that he will acquire Godly wisdom. I will pray that no harm befalls our country and that we will prosper in freedom. Whether I like it or not Barack Obama IS going to be president and I have a responsibility to submit to that authority unless it conflicts with the Word of God.

I only ask that we who are Christians search our individual hearts and ask the hard questions... Am I ready? Am I where I should be? Time is wrapping up my friends but God is our hope and refuge. We should spend this time making ready and taking as many people as possible with us.
We are the Revelations generation...... Are you ready?

Friday, October 24, 2008

It's Friday People!!!!!!! (And Other Random Ramblings)

No one has ANY idea just how glad I am that it's finally Friday. Time to leave the daily grind to go home and create, chill, read or whatever else I decide I want to get myself into.
I haven't really decided what the weekend will hold for me as of yet. I do have to work on some parent letters for the kids involved in the church Christmas program I'm planning..... I need to do a little cleaning up and of course there will be church, coupon clipping and Army Wives on Sunday.... Other than these things, I'm just not sure what I'll decide to do.
I thought about making a trip to the art museum tomorrow to see the DaVinci exhibit, but then I will have to fight the crowd in town for the Magic City Classic...... hmmmmmmm.... maybe I'll postpone my trip for next weekend.
My current project is trying to make room in my tiny living space for my art supplies and such, definitely not an easy task. It's hard to be creative when you always have to dig for the supplies you need and then pack it all up later whether you are finished or not......... completely and totally frustrating!
Oh well, I'll just have to make the best of it until, one of these days, I have the room for a studio.
So for right now, a girl can only dream..........

Ok, enough of my random ramblings....... Everybody have a great weekend!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Just Had to Share....

Hi all! It's been awhile since my last update so I thought I would take a few moments to share some of what I have been up to lately.
I've recently become interested in buying unfinished jewelry and trinket boxes and...... well....... finishing them. The first person to get one of these boxes is my friend Anna Kate Smith. She's a year old, just adorable and now the proud owner of her very first jewelry box.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hello and Nice to Meet You

This blogging thing is new to me. I have several friends who are blogging and they keep saying I should start one, so here I am.
At the moment I am simply posting a photo of myself so that you all will know just who's doing the "talking" here. I promise, very soon I will sit down and write an Earth shattering entry. Until then I thought the least I can do is greet the people........ So, Howdy Ya'll!