Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Changing and Challenging Times

Well, It's the day after our country has elected the new leader of the "free" world...... Barack Obama.
I must admit I have been a MAJOR McCain/Palin advocate. I believed in my heart (and still do) that they were the best team to lead our country. And right now before anyone says a word, this is NOT a racial issue! My idea of the best presidential team does not include descriptions of race, social status, gender, denomination or any other superficial reasoning. My opinions all come down to character. Are these people we can trust? Are these people who will do the right thing even when they are being pressured to take the more popular route? Is there any evidence of wisdom and discretion? Do these people truly love this country, it's people and all that America once stood for? And most importantly....... Are these people listening to God?

Do I think that our country made a horrible mistake yesterday? I would be lying if I said no.
Can we do anything to change it? The answer to this question is, unfortunately, a big fat no.

There is something that I am VERY sure of. God is still God-- no matter who is leading our country. As all Christians should, I will be in prayer for our new leader. I will pray that he will acquire Godly wisdom. I will pray that no harm befalls our country and that we will prosper in freedom. Whether I like it or not Barack Obama IS going to be president and I have a responsibility to submit to that authority unless it conflicts with the Word of God.

I only ask that we who are Christians search our individual hearts and ask the hard questions... Am I ready? Am I where I should be? Time is wrapping up my friends but God is our hope and refuge. We should spend this time making ready and taking as many people as possible with us.
We are the Revelations generation...... Are you ready?

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