Monday, October 4, 2010

It's the little things..............

Ok, so I know it is nothing fancy but I happen to be very proud of this little wreath which now inhabits the space on my front door. This is officially the first wreath I have ever made. If I do say so myself, I think it's pretty darn cute!

I honestly had no idea what I was doing when I started. The inspiration came during a trip to Hobby Lobby with my awesome hubby. The grapevine wreaths were on sale 50% off and of course that made it very hard for me to pass up.... Never mind that I really didn't know how to make a wreath. I actually left Hobby Lobby with just my wreath and not one single adornment. On the way home I decided to stop by Dollar Tree..... I like to stop in sometimes to see if I can find some unexpected treasures. I left Dollar Tree with the ribbon, silk flowers and leaves that you see on my wreath.

As soon as I was home I spread all of the materials out on my kitchen table and went to work. It proved to be a fairly simple process. When it was all said and done I had a cool little fall wreath for less than $10 and an overwhelming sense of accomplishment!

1 comment:

Miranda said...

super cute Kellie! i have been meaning to make one to, and i think you just inspired me to go craft shopping! thanx for sharing.