Saturday, November 28, 2009

And The Countdown Begins..........

Well here we are, exactly one week until my wedding. So many thoughts racing through my mind and emotions racing through heart. Wedding planning and moving has kept me so busy with not much time to blog or really do anything else for that matter.
Today I feel happy, excited, scared and sad all at once. I know that what I am about to do will be the most wonderful, scary thing I will ever do. This new chapter in my life is sure to be an exciting adventure, but I still can't help feeling sad that the current chapter is coming to an end.
God has put so many wonderful people in my life....... it's hard to realize that these constants in my life are about to change. During this part of my journey I have gone back and forth between the bubbly, excited, grown-up bride and the scared little girl inside me who is afraid to leave Mommy & Daddy.
I know that God has ordained everything that is happening in my life...... Don't get me wrong, I am so excited to marry and spend my life with my best friend..... I love him soooooo much...but still, it's these times in your life when you realize that maybe you weren't as grown up as you thought..... that "inner child" sneaks right up on you when you least expect it.
I'm just in that place where I have to make a choice..... and you know what? I choose to be excited, happy & brave......... I'm putting that "inner child" back where it belongs.
I'm looking forward to my wedding day... to the joy, laughter and excitement of this time and the years to come!

To my Roberson, if you are reading this........
I love you so much..... You are truly my best friend. I am honored that you chose me to be your wife and build a life with you. I can't wait to see where this new adventure will take us and I am so glad to have you as my partner. You are my other half........

To anyone else reading this......
I will be using this blog as my journal as I make the transition from a single woman living in the south to a married woman living in Colorado..............
It should be very interesting, to say the least. I hope that you will all stick around and follow my story.

God Bless!

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