Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Long Awaited Update...

It has been a long while since I last posted.... Life has been extraordinarily busy! My last post was 1 week before my wedding and so much has taken place since then.

Of course, the wedding and honeymoon are long since over... I made the move to Colorado in mid-december.

Ah married life... My transition into married life has not been the norm. All at once I have had to adjust to married life and a pastor's wife on top of that, a new area of the country and being away from my family and friends. I won't lie.... there have been some rough spots for me.... I have been homesick....

But there is also another side to things. I have met so many wonderful people, become part of a great church family, and been allowed to work with some of the most amazing teenagers that I have ever met. I have also experienced something that I nor most of my family and friends have experienced.... Life outside of the South. Oh yes, it is different here... More snow than I am used to, more wind than I am used to, much drier & higher altitude than I am used to, foods that I am not used to, animals that I am not used to, sayings and expressions that I am not used to. These are not bad things..... just different for me.

I have been making some progress in my adjustments lately......

1. I no longer cook crunchy rice.... let me explain..... When I first moved here I never thought about the altitude affecting the way I cook.... My first wake up call on that was the very crunchy rice I made my husband for dinner one night.... I have since learned that I have to add more water and cook it a little longer... so good bye to crunchy rice!

2. I no longer 'drink' lotion.... The first couple of months here were murder on my skin... I litterally felt like a dried out sponge.... I had to regularly lotion down my whole body. Living in the south I rarely had to use lotion because of the overly abundance of humidity. I am proud to say that I am using less lotion these days...

3. I have learned to better deal with the seperation from my family. When I first got here, 9 1/2 months ago, I felt so exposed and alone. I have prayed and cried a lot. Now I have made it to the point where I can embrace the challenges of being separated from my family...... I'm stronger than I thought I was. I still miss them like crazy every minute of every day but it is getting easier to deal with.

Things are great, I love my husband, I love my house, I love my friends, I love my church and of course I still love my family very much..... What more can I ask for?

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